The biggest BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY this year is selling services to local businesses desperate to survive 

Attn Local Marketers...

Done for you system provides a Powerful SMS text message Marketing Platform and Branded VIP Reward Clubs

  • Bulk SMS
  • Autoresponder SMS
  • Automated SMS Chat bots
  • Live SMS Chat
  • 6 Branded VIP Clubs
  • No 3rd Party Integrations
  • Discounted Credits 1.5 cents
  • Agency Module Included

If there is an easier way to generate long term monthly fees I have yet to see it!

Let’s face it

We are in unprecedented times

Every business both large and small has been hit by this worldwide pandemic

No income over several months or at best limited revenue from scaled down operations leaves them incredibly vulnerable after such a tough few months

During these troubling times local businesses can’t depend on hope and pray marketing that may or may not work

Expensive ads can cost a fortune and are a very short-term solution

Coupon sites take the lions share of the profits and the business doesn’t get the customer lists

Social media can work overtime but who has the luxury of time right now

As most local business come out of lockdown, social distancing is now having a major effect on revenue and it doesn’t look likely to improve anytime soon!

Whilst some businesses like restaurants can pivot and move to offer additional services like takeaway or delivery

Most traditional local businesses don’t have that luxury and their core business is all they can offer

The only asset left for local businesses is their EXISTING LOYAL CUSTOMERS

Businesses that can engage, motivate, and reward their existing customers will have far more chance of survival

But back in the day when things were “normal”

Most business owners placed the major marketing focus and budget on finding new customers and assumed existing customers will almost look after themselves and continue to use the business

Whilst this may have been true...

Now more than ever a business must generate the maximum profits from their limited budgets and there is no better, quicker, or more profitable way than focusing on their existing customers

Existing customers are the low hanging fruit!

4 Reasons Why Repeat Business is better than New Business!

Repeat Customers Spend more

New customers cost you more

Existing Customers promote your Business

Businesses are built on Customer loyalty

Customer retention is a challenging yet essential part of making sure a business succeeds

Businesses that grow their customer retention rates by as little as 5% typically see profits increase ranging from 25% to 95%...

But we are in unprecedented times and no one really has a plan?

This presents a massive opportunity for LOCAL MARKETING AGENCIES AND CONSULTANTS to help local businesses get back in profit and prepare for the future

Hi, Its David Henry

We are a digital marketing communications company and provide email and SMS text message platforms primarily for small businesses and marketers to use to provide professional services to local business

We launched our flag ship email autoresponder app, Inboxingpro back in 2017 and we have thousands of customers getting great results and we added our bespoke SMS text message marketing platform in 2019

We recently launched our brand new service for restaurants to get back in business providing online ordering and a VIP rewards club and it has been such a massive success we are rolling out the next phase of our development with the launch of our brand new...

In our latest service

We have created a COMPLETE SOLUTION that addresses the key issues every local business owner in the world is facing...

During our original research back in 2019...

We quickly discovered SMS text messages to be the perfect platform for local businesses to use to contact their customers for the lowest cost

Our core business is providing email marketing services and whilst email will always be the most popular way to market a business, text messages win hands down for local businesses and we have developed a totally unique platform with many advanced features simply not found in any other SMS service

Why SMS text messages

We very quickly discovered a way to get almost all our messages delivered instantly and more importantly opened and read with a few minutes for a few cents per customer...

Why VIP Clubs

Quite simply, a branded VIP Club providing exclusive offers and deals is the easiest way to get an existing customer to visit a local business more often and spend more money with them rather than a local competitor

It is a no brainer decision for any local business owner to pay an agreed amount ONLY for new orders in the form of a discount rather than expensive ads that are paid upfront with no guarantee of any results

Local business owners are aware of the bigger businesses in their niche providing rewards and offers but most have never even considered they could also use this strategy for their own business to generate GUARANTEED RESULTS and when they see the low cost to entry of a totally done for them system they are understandably very excited to get started

SMS text message marketing works for any type of business and providing professional services has never been easier or more lucrative!

We have created a totally unique service that harnesses the power of SMS text message marketing and adds a range of branded “done for you” VIP Clubs

But not all SMS text message services are the same

You can find other apps and services sending 1-way broadcast type messages and whilst this gets the message out, it is a very limited service

It is impossible to create any automation

No client segmentation based on actions

No customer engagement (Can’t send replies)

No targeted keyword campaigns for better conversions

No Chat bot Technology possible

To provide a Professional service that adds real value to a local business owner the service must include 2 way text messages!

We have designed our platform using this technology with many totally unique features simply not found in any other app or service

As a local marketer, you can now forget about competing with the other consultants selling the same old services!

Discount coupons on social media

Google maps

Local ads

SEO Services

Web design etc

And anything else you can think of!

Bottom line is...

Its HARD WORK and just too crowded and during this crisis...

You need something that works out of the gate

Forget about waiting for days, weeks and months to produce results for your clients...

You can deliver a positive ROI in Week 1

This is the sheer power of using SMS text message marketing

But its not only local marketers than can benefit massively from using SMS text message marketing

Online Marketers

Adding text message communications can massively boost engagement and conversions from prospects to customers and provide instant targeting for limited time offers

Stand out from the crowd and boost your own brand

Get first mover advantage and use text messages in your own business to…

Close more high-ticket sales

Provide coaching clients with a personal contact

24/7 instant support responses

Increase conversions with instant alerts

Sell Local services

And much much more...


The world’s most comprehensive SMS Text message Marketing Service

Branded VIP Clubs provide the fastest ROI

Quickly and easily build a list of VIP customers using our done for you branded VIP Club resources

Engage, Inform and Reward your client’s customers with exclusive offers!

It is a simple process anyone can set up to provide amazing results for very happy local business clients

You can provide almost instant results tapping into the low hanging fruit providing an outstanding joining offer

VIP Clubs are not new, many of the bigger players all have some form of rewards club simply because they work like gangbusters

We all like deals and local businesses are perfectly positioned to create some great offers that can easily be changed each week

Using SMS 2-way messages gets the word out fast and our advanced segmentation and targeting ensures each business achieves the maximum conversions

Business owners need revenue, and everyone has quiet days/nights or even days they don’t open

Imagine creating a campaign for your client to provide a FREE BOTTLE OF WINE on a quite Thursday night for a local restaurant or a free manicure on Wednesday afternoon for your salon client and filling every booking for a FEW CENTS PER CLIENT!

This is the sheer power of SMS VIP Clubs and we include 6 popular local businesses with done for your resources...

Health Clubs & Gyms



Beauty salons

Car wash and valeting

Kids soft play centers

VIP clubs provide massive added value

  • They build a valuable customer list
  • Create a bigger brand feel as a major player
  • It’s a quick win, forget about waiting weeks or months for a return on the promotional investment
  • VIP clubs can make net profits in a matter of days focusing on existing customers first

Exclusive library of promotional offers which includes

Flyer, Poster, social media banner and cover

Each template is fully editable, simply login to our account, edit the template adding your clients logo, exclusive telephone number and keyword, send to print and upload to your clients social media

Beauty Salon

Car repair and valet

Beauty Salon

Car repair and valet

Beauty Salon

Car repair and valet

Additional, comprehensive resources included

Professional Explainer video which can be edited to add your contact details

Email Prospecting series

VIP Offers Landing page template

Mobile landing page template

Demo funnel template

Deliver targeted SMS campaigns using our totally unique SMS platform that rewards existing customers with exclusive offers and converts cold enquires to new customers on autopilot

  • Advanced 2-way SMS chat bot technology
  • No 3rd Party integrations required
  • Client portal included
  • Local sender number Included
  • Unique Keyword campaigns
  • Full training included

Total Flexibility - Outstanding performance - Unrivalled service

Send Bulk SMS

Send Instant SMS messages to 1000s of contacts using phone book contacts

Send Quick SMS

Send SMS messages to individuals or small groups for that personal touch

Autoresponder SMS

Set up recurring messages using templates based on hour, day, week or month

Keyword campaigns

Create targeted 2-way automated campaigns to capture leads and delivery links

Unique brand ID

Create your own unique brand ID to send 1-way messages for maximum exposure

Unique Tel Number

Use a unique local or national number to send 2-way messages for long term brand building

Import contacts

Import contacts to an unlimited phone book lists using CSV or copy and paste

Create Client Groups

Create unlimited groups based on niche or location and send using bulk SMS

Automated chat bots

Create powerful 2-way automated chat flows to  increase engagement and drive sales

Live chat replies

Take over any incoming message in real time and send and receive replies to boost sales conversions

PAYG roll over credits

Buy discounted credits directly inside the app which are added to your account and never expire

Bespoke templates

Create unlimited templates to send bulk SMS and autoresponder messages

Delivery Reports

Access delivery reports on every message sent and received to see the success

Campaign Reports

Campaign reports provide detailed stats on the number of messages sent and delivered

Invoice module

Automaticlly  create an invoice for each purchase of SMS credits to print or save to records

Full support Desk

Access our support desk directly from inside the app or via the members area

See the app in action below

Seamless Automation Converts a cold enquiry to a VIP customer 

Seamless Automation Converts a cold enquiry to a VIP customer

No need to wait and hope for the new VIP member to visit the store...

Within 2 minutes of sending the text with the VIP keyword they have received their VIP confirmation and been directed to the latest offers landing page!

It is a simple process anyone can set up to provide outstanding results for incredibly happy clients

You can provide almost instant results tapping into the low hanging fruit

Engage and Incentivise existing customers

Local businesses all store customer contact details including mobile phone numbers, make sure they have permission to contact their customers with marketing messages and simply...

Upload the contacts to a phone book list

Use a done for you offer to join the VIP club

Send the campaign to the existing customer contact list

Customers that reply with the keyword are automatically sent a reply, which can contain a coupon code and link to the VIP offers page or any other page you create based on the induvial business

All recipients are automatically added to a new phone book contact list

Convert cold leads to paying Customers

We have developed a totally unique chat bot that converts cold enquires to hot leads and delivers coupon codes or special offers on complete autopilot

Use our "done for you" social media covers, banners, and printed flyers to get the word out fast that your client is launching a new VIP rewards club

All messages sent to the number with the Keyword SMSVIP are automatically added to a contact list and receive an automated reply

Quickly and easily Create special offers and events

Here is a typical chat bot flow for a local beauty salon using a discount offer on any treatment, its painting by numbers easy to create unlimited chat bot flows that convert

In this example all messages sent to the exclusive local salon number with the keyword, BEAUTY triggers the bot into action and directs the conversation to confirm a booked date for the treatment  and the customer details are saved to phone book contact list


Add a concierge service for local restaurants and increase your monthly fees

Maximise Conversions using live chat

Following up on recently booked table reservations using the online booking system can double the show rate and this is a great way to provide the personal touch to your restaurant clients customers

Sending a more personalized message instantly builds massive engagement and more importantly commitment

You can see the effect this can have on a typical reservation and the best part is it takes less than 2 minutes and costs a few cents per customer to complete!

Adding personal follow up SMS messages is a great way to consolidate the customer booking and you can engage with unlimited customers directly inside the app in minutes

Here is the live reply to the customer booking confirmed by the bot above

Send targeted campaigns to 1000s with exclusive offers

Keyword Campaigns

Use our targeted keyword campaigns to segment customers based on offers and actions

Send a bulk 2-way message asking for a reply to a keyword, in this example its WINE and all replies are moved to a new phone book and the customer is directed to make a booking request

Create social media banners using our done for you resources to increase conversions further

Create set and forget Autoresponder campaigns

Deliver the latest offers direct to your customers phone every day, week or month to suit your clients business on autopilot

Simply create a landing page and upload the latest offers and deals

Create the autoresponder message and add the link to the landing page

Set the message to deliver weekly, monthly or at a custom time to suit and the messages are delivered on autopilot

It really doesn’t get any easier to drive more customers each and every week with the minimum amount of work required

Client Prospecting doesn’t get any Easier

Automated lead generation takes a cold local business enquiry and converts into a hot prospect

We have created a powerful demo funnel and the sole aim of your prospecting efforts is to get as many potential local business owners as possible to access it and join the VIP Club in real time

The power of a live demo in Real Time!

You can create compelling demos using the features of the app to easily convert cold enquires to hot leads

If you want to automate even more of the prospecting process use our 7 day trial strategy which includes exclusivity for each restaurant type

You can see from the live demo video below and the screen shots how this demo funnel creates urgency and scarcity with no interaction required

This strategy ensures you can convert clients much quicker because no one wants to wait to “think about it” and risk missing out on the offer to their main competitor!

Whilst sales pages, video explainers, webinars etc all have a part to play to convert prospects to customers nothing beats the sheer power of using a live demo!

Imagine the excitement of a business owner seeing something they instantly know can work for them

They can see its going to be affordable and the icing on the cake is they can test it for FREE for 7 days

Whats not to like about FREE!

In a hurry and don’t have time to watch the video

Here is an example of an automated demo process, Simple but super powerful automated lead generation using SMS text messages

The prospective business owner sends a text with the keyword to your own allocated number

Automated reply collects the enquiry name and sends a personalized reply with a link to the information

The business Owner opens the message and clicks the link to get more info (We all do in a text message)

Here is the simple process

Create a landing page using our done for you template to provide the information and important demo links

The local business owner scrolls through the information and clicks the demo link to join the club and is immediately directed to a landing page to view the latest offers

From here you can provide more information about the business and more exclusive offers using our done for you banners and flyers

Simple quick and easy, automation at its best!

This is advanced technology simply not found in any other app or service, even the $100 per month VIP club services don’t have anything near to these powerful features

But it gets even better...

 100% Mobile Responsive so you never miss a lead!

We are all busy people and not always sat at the PC, but we do always have our phone

We have created a yet another totally unique feature that allows you to set up an instant notification that is sent to your phone when a new enquiry replies to any keyword you have set up

Add the phone number that you want to receive the update to the chat flow and each new enquiry triggers the alert and provides the number of the enquiry and the keyword

Login to the app on your PC, find the enquiry and reply in real time or login to the app directly from your own phone and make unlimited replies to unlimited enquires in real time

Need a gentle push to close the deal

Use live chat to send a personal message, in this example we remind the business owner that we partner with only 1 business type per area which is a soft sell approach that works like gangbusters

As a business owner, would you risk taking even 1 more day to make a decision?

Simple but immensely powerful closing technique

System can handle hundreds of replies

Get the demo in the hands of as many prospective clients as possible and sit back and wait for the replies

Here is an example of a live reply

You have received an alert that a new enquiry has entered the demo funnel

You find the flow in the app based on the owner’s number and you can see they have gone through the demo funnel, joined the VIP Club and clicked to view the landing page offers

The owner can’t fail to be impressed with the system and now is a perfect time to follow up

Using live chat, simply send a quick follow up 60 – 90 minutes after the demo and because it is sent as a text message the client is going to read it and act on it

Never miss an enquiry even when you are closed, or your clients business is closed

Provide automated updates and answers to business enquiries even when the business is closed

Use the chat bot to provide general information and links to important web page information

Never miss an enquiry from a new business owner, never miss an enquiry for your local business clients

This is without doubt the most comprehensive SMS platform ON THE PLANET and provides a total solution

Outstanding Delivery

 We connect to worldwide, industry leading platforms to provide outstanding service and fast delivery

Local quality

With Global Low Latency (GLL), your messages automatically take the shortest and highest quality path. Local carrier connections worldwide help us validate that your messages can be delivered, and you receive real-time delivery status

Local numbers for better conversions and 2-way messages

According to recent research, as many as 64% of customers want to be able to engage with companies via two-way messaging and acquiring a long number (also known as a virtual mobile number) enables businesses to do just that.

It has also been proven that customers much prefer to call and text local numbers rather than national telephone or short code text message numbers

You can provide a local number to each of your clients based on their exact location

Each customer can register their own brand ID which is what the recipient sees when a 1-way message is delivered (Not available in US, only number is used for 1- and 2-way messages)

Send 2-way messages from a unique local telephone number to domestic numbers (Mobile Numbers only UK)

Great for local restaurants to use for promotions to create long term value

Automatic built in opt Out process

Add an automatic opt out link in each message and recipient is automatically removed from all contact lists for 100% compliance

Campaign reports

See the stats on all campaigns sent, you can view each recipient and the success of the message

Delivery reports

View detailed delivery reports on all messages sent and received

Sending credits are automatically deducted for the account balance for messages sent and received

We provide a full 2 way service in, US, Canada and the UK

We include a unique local telephone number as part of this offer

Additional numbers can also be purchased for clients directly inside the app and the cost is from just $2 per month per number paid annually in advance

Credits are pay as you go and are purchased directly inside the app, we include 60 days of service, after this time, providing a minimum spend of $10 per month is being made for credits, the rental of your unique telephone number is included in the annual license fee

Buy credits at a discounted rate

If you are based in the US and Canada you can buy 1000 credits for just $15

UK credits cost 0.06 cents, Australia cost 0.10 cents

Can you imagine the results you can achieve for your clients..

Sending 1000 messages and getting over 900 opened and read within 3 minutes for just $15

Providing professional services has never been easier or more Profitable!

Everything you need is included today

NO other tools, resources or 3rd party integrations required

Setting up the SMS text message platform is quick and easy

You control your own business directly from within the platform

Sell your services at your own rates

Buy client credits at discounted rates and sell retail for additional profits

Genuine opportunity to create a full-time income working part time hours

90% set and forget automation, do the work once and get paid month after month

No selling required, simply set up a FREE 500 credit 7 day trial and provide guaranteed results

If there is an easier way to sign up local clients ON MONTHLY RETAINERS...

I am yet to see it!

To pack our VIP CLUBS PRO service with even more GENUINE VALUE You get these CUSTOM BONUSES with your access today!

I know you are keen to get started so here is a quick recap of whats included today...

SMS Text message marketing platform 

Totally Unique Platform Rewards existing customers with exclusive offers and Converts cold leads to new customers

6 Done for you VIP Clubs

Comprehensive library including flyers, posters, social media covers and banners for 6 popular local businesses

Complete Online ordering system

UNLIMITED FREE ACCESS to provide an essential service to enable restaurants to quickly set up to accept online orders and table reservations

6 DFY Chat bot flows

Convert cold leads into customers using our unique chat bot flows, we include 1 campaign for each business type

$50 FREE credits BOGOF

Make instant profits selling the FREE credit allocation for normal retail costs of 3-4 cents per credit

36 professional print ready flyers, posters and social banners

Includes a choice of 2 special offers for each business type which are fully editable, great opportunity to provide even more value to your restaurant clients

So, let me ask you...

What would you expect to pay for this complete business in a box?

You can find a few other VIP Reward club systems for marketers to use to provide services and typically they sell for $97 - $197 PER MONTH simply because they work like gangbusters


No other service provides advanced 2-way chat bot technology or anywhere near the number of unique features included in our platform

 We include a client portal to enable marketers to provide services directly from within the app and there are no complicated 3rd party integrations

Buy and sell credits for additional profits directly inside the app


Get Started Now!

Limited time Launch Offer

Save a massive 92%!

You Have No Risk

With our 30-day

 Unconditional Money Back Guarantee

We’re willing to take all the risk because we know this app delivers results

You have a full 30 days to put the app to the test and if for any reason you are not delighted with the results just let us know and we will issue a full prompt refund

With no questions asked!

Frequently asked questions 

Is there any other fees or charges after I upgrade?

We include a unique local telephone number as part of this offer.  Additional numbers can also be purchased for clients directly in the app and the cost is just $2 per month per number

Credits are pay as you go and are purchased directly inside the app, we include 60 days of service, after this providing a minimum spend of $10 per month is being made for credits, the rental of the unique telephone number is included in the annual license fee

Why is this a monthly/Annual fee

We want to provide this service for the long term.

To do this we need to ensure we have sufficient funds to maintain our servers and provide regular update and upgrades, it’s a sad fact that very few if any services remain active and fully supported on a “lifetime license” basis but rest assured we are here for the long run

Do you provide set up and user guides for the SMS features?

Yes, we provide a full set up and user guide in the members area you will be directed to after you make the purchase

How many clients can I set up in the app for this license type

We provide a choice of license types based on usage limits, our advanced license allows up to 5 Client accounts and the Pro license is unlimited

If I want to upgrade my current email license is this possible if I take this SMS upgrade

Yes just send a support ticket and we will update your email license to add the SMS features and adjust the annual fee accordingly

Do I need any technical knowledge to set up the SMS features?

No, we wanted to make the set up and user experience as easy and straight forward as possible, once we issue your telephone number and confirm the sender ID you can be sending your first campaign in less than 5 minutes