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Congratulations on your purchase

You have made a great decision to get first mover advantage to take your marketing to the next level with our comprehensive email marketing platform

How would you like to get up to 5 times the results using our brand new Enterprise X edition Platform available today at a hugely discounted price

Adding our new range of SMS features to our proven email autoresponder puts this new platform on an entirely different level and you can upgrade today to the Enterprise X edition for just $67 FOR 12 months access

This is an outstanding opportunity not to be missed if you are serious about taking your marketing to the next level with a range of comprehensive features simply not found in any other app or service

Powerful cross channel marketing using email and SMS text messages

Outstanding email delivery using built in SMTP servers with dedicated IP and super-fast hosing included

Why pay more

Feature Rich End to End Solution delivers Outstanding Results using our unique hosting for email marketers complete with a dedicated IP and super-fast SSD drives

We know the more touch points you have with an enquiry the more engagement is generated and this presents more opportunity to convert a lead into a paying customer and it simply does not get any better than using email and SMS in a seamless integration

Unrivalled Features - Outstanding Performance - Guaranteed results

Maximise your lead generation

Automatically add subscribers to your SMS list and your EMAIL list 

SMS welcome messages can be triggered when a new contact is added, and the email autoresponder is linked to the campaign so it is possible to send SMS and your welcome email at times you wish on complete autopilot

Take a closer look at what makes Inboxingpro totally unique and why we deliver outstanding results directly to the inbox

When it comes to delivery, we looked what Google want to check before they delivery emails to the inbox and we built our system from the ground up making sure we provide EXACTLY what they require to deliver emails to the inbox

After all, they are responsible for delivering over 90% of the world’s marketing emails!

When it comes to sending is what Gmail state they need to verify to deliver emails to the inbox:

Consistently send from the same IP Address

Use a consistent "From" domain for each type of email

Sign messages with DKIM (Domain Keys Identified Mail)

Publish a SPF Record (Sender Policy Framework)

Publish a DMARC Policy (Domain based message authentication, reporting & Conformance) 

Unless your email includes the essential protocols now required to verify the email is from a trusted sender the email will not reach its target

Unless an autoresponder platform can validate the sending domain with the 3 essential protocols required by every Internet service provider

Emails will not get delivered successfully because there is no way to know the email is not SPAM

We make sure all the emails sent from our system automatically pass the 3 checks required by Google to verify as a trusted sender and here is the automated process we have created

If you already send emails and you are currently experiencing inbox delivery issues this is most likely the reason!

Emails get to the inbox when the sender reputation is high!

Get more emails delivered to the inbox using our unique hosting email SMTP server

The only way to GUARANTEE that you are building your own reputation and not the hosting platform is to use a dedicated IP

With our solution, you build your brand’s reputation and not someone else’s

We have combined the low cost of shared hosting with the exceptional performance of sending emails using a dedicated IP

We have created a totally unique solution to get the best email delivery whilst providing the lowest cost web hosting on super-fast servers - Why Pay more?

Full cPanel license included with every plan

cPanel allows you to easily control every aspect of your website.. Email, Files, Statistics, Script Installation, Databases, Security and more. Things that could be complicated are made easy with cPanel.

The features inside the cPanel Control Panel automate processes that many users must do manually with some hosting services. So no waiting on your host you have a lot more control.. This interface offers you a way to quickly view account-related information and provides easy access to the wide variety of tools and utilities that come with your account.

But what about the actual Inbox Delivery?

If you can achieve an 80% delivery rate with a monthly service you are doing great

What about getting 50% PLUS OPEN RATES as many of our customers achieve on a daily basis as you can see below

78% Open Rates - 62% Click Through

81 % Open Rates - 23% Click Through

71% Open Rates - 17% Click Through

66% Open Rates - 32% Click Through

Comprehensive Email features Included

No Tech required

Nothing to install, no cron jobs to set up, no annoying plugins to constantly update and all future updates are included

Fully Mobile Responsive

Set up campaigns, check the stats from anywhere in the world, the app is fully responsive with all functions available

Unlimited Campaigns

With the advanced license create and send unlimited campaigns,  import unlimited lists, reports and SMTP servers 

Cloud based app

Instant access from anywhere in the world, log in and create your campaigns and check your stats  

Drag n Drop html Editor

Create beautiful email newsletters using the drag n drop html built in editor or choose from the gallery

Smart Import/Export

Import subscribers and templates and export report data to excel and subscribers and templates

Single or Double Optin

You decide, Set your list to single or double and add a redirect to your single optin OTO page

Unlimited Follow ups.

Set follow up messages for months to come and or send a regular email immediately

List Automation

Create segments per list, move subscribers based on actions, move to a new list if open/doesnt open for increased conversions

Set your Own SMTP

Schedule the app to limit emails sent per hour so you never exceed the free monthly allowance of free emails and send up to 4k per day

Automatic list cleaner

Clean your list automatically with the built-in removal tool.  Hard bounces are removed immediately and soft after 5 sends

Full Reporting Suite

Track opens, clicks and unsubscribes, view the details on a world map and see the top performing platforms and ISPs

Unlimited Lists - Store 100,000 Subscribers

Create lists, import upto 100,000 subscribers with no list verification

Set to single/double opt in and set up redirects to your OTOs in a couple of clicks

Unlimited domains

Rather than sending all your messages from 1 domain name take advantage of our unlimited sending domain option and simply set up domains based on your brand

Optin form codes

You are not limited in designing your own opt in form codes and you can customize as you want, load in your own CSS and JS files to make your forms look amazing

If you use a page builder, simply create your opt in list code in the app and copy and paste into the page builder squeeze page without any further editing requirements

Automatic Page Redirects

If you are using single opt in, you can simply automatically direct your subscriber to your OTO page or any page of your choice including direct to affiliate offers. 

Simply add the URL on the pre-configured subscription confirmed page

Drag and drop html editor 

Create great looking emails and newsletters using our drag n drop html editor.

 Create templates to use for future which can automatically include your unsubscribe link, company address and website URL to comply fully with the Can-Spam act

30 HTML Templates Included

Create eye catching newsletters using a choice of over 30 professionally designed pre-loaded email templates based on themes, seasons and business types for increased conversion

Built in Spam checker

Before you send your campaign, add the spam checker email to your test list to get a full report and score to ensure your email has the best chance of getting to the inbox

If you do have any issues, you can see from the report what needs to be addressed to ensure all of your emails pass the test

100% Responsive for Mobile

The app is 100% responsive and can be accessed from any device to send campaigns and check reports.

Emails are delivered faster and with more success when they are smaller to suit the device, InboxingPro automatically optimises all campaigns and delivers a perfectly formatted campaign to any device which is essential with over 40% of your target audience opening your emails on mobile devices

Create Unlimited Segments and groups

Customise your lists and add tags to help you create tight segmented lists for better targeting

Automated List cleaner

We have a built-in automatic bounce processing, blacklist engine and feedback loop support so you never have to worry about spam complaints from any bounced emails

Powerful Re-targeting Included

Re-engage with subscribers who didn’t open your email

With our smart technology there is no reason to ever send a 2nd message to anyone who has opened a previous email

 Send the same campaign or create a new campaign and send only to the subscribers that didn’t open any previous emails or choose who did open any previous emails

You can see how powerful this feature is with 178 more opens to the same campaign sent the following day to everyone who didn’t open the original email

100% GDPR Compliant

As a digital marketer either based in Europe or sending campaigns to subscribers based in Europe you are  required to provide a level of data protection known as GDPR

Unless your platform can comply with the requirements you can face serious issues and possible fines.  

We provide several features to ensure you can provide the data requirements if requested to any subscribers and customers and our forms include various pre-populated statements and consent forms to ensure you are 100% compliant

Full reporting data including analytics and Google IP locations

Track Clicks, opens, unsubscribes, complaints and bounce rates

See opens and clicks on  activity map for een better targeting

Share important data with your team

Provide password protected links to each of your campaigns to enable easy access from anywhere in the world in real time

Grant access to your team or VA 

Fast parallel sender

We have incorporated a specially designed Linux Daemon that provides parallel sending and enables you to send tens of thousands of emails per hour and there is simply no faster platform around for any cost

All the links in your emails will be through YOUR website.

Unlike some other autoresponder systems around that send your campaigns from their URL to help build their brand, all your emails will always be from YOUR website not ours

When users share your emails on social media it will be on YOUR website giving your brand the SEO benefits from social sharing.

Email Headers matter massively

Email Headers Matter massively and this is a big factor in validating sending domains.

Unlike many other providers, your email header will show from your domain (sent via instead of sent via the email service provider as others do)

It is far more difficult to build a brand identity and increase the sender reputation if the sender domain name is not your own brand

Smart Import/Export

Easily manage your lists, campaigns, subscribers and reports with our smart Import/Export feature

Built in File Manager for Image Upload

InboxingPro has a built-in file manager to easily upload images to your campaigns and templates

Total end to end email marketing solution that gets GUARANTEED results and now with the addition of our powerful 2-way SMS text message features, we provide a bespoke cross channel marketing platform!

How the new platform works...

Outstanding SMS features Included

Send Bulk SMS

Send Instant SMS messages to 1000s of contacts using phone book contacts

Send Quick SMS

Send SMS messages to individuals or small groups for that personal touch

Autoresponder SMS

Set up recurring messages using templates based on hour, day, week or month

Keyword campaigns

Create targeted 2-way automated campaigns to capture leads and delivery links

Unique brand ID

Create your own unique brand ID to send 1-way messages for maximum exposure

Unique Tel Number

Use a unique local or national number to send 2-way messages for long term brand building

Import contacts

Import contacts to an unlimited phone book lists using CSV or copy and paste

Create Client Groups

Create unlimited groups based on niche or location and send using bulk SMS

Automated chat bots

Create powerful 2-way automated chat flows to  increase engagement and drive sales

Live chat replies

Take over any incoming message in real time and send and receive replies to boost sales conversions

PAYG roll over credits

Buy discounted credits directly inside the app which are added to your account and never expire

Bespoke templates

Create unlimited templates to send bulk SMS and autoresponder messages

Delivery Reports

Access delivery reports on every message sent and received to see the success

Campaign Reports

Campaign reports provide detailed stats on the number of messages sent and delivered

Invoice module

Automaticlly  create an invoice for each purchase of SMS credits to print or save to records

Full support Desk

Access our support desk directly from inside the app or via the members area

We have created many powerful unique features essential for marketers to provide a complete, totally unique service that just FLAT OUT WORKS! 

Lead generation

Convert cold leads to customers

We have developed a totally unique chat bot that converts cold enquires to table bookings and delivers coupon codes or special offers on complete autopilot

Use our "done for you" social media covers, banners and printed flyers to get the word out fast that your client is launching a new VIP rewards club

All messages sent to the number with the Keyword SMSVIP are automatically added to a contact list and receive an automated reply

Quickly and easily Create special offers and events

Here is a typical chat bot flow for a local restaurant using a free course promotion, its painting by numbers easy to create unlimited chat bot flows

In this example all messages sent to the exclusive local restaurant number with the keyword, COURSE triggers the bot into action and directs the conversation to confirm a table booking for 4 and the customer details are saved to phone book contact list


 Works for any business

Here is an example providing a free report in a welcome email sent immediately after the subscriber joins the list with the SMS welcome message sent after 1 hour

Powerful Automation at its best

We collect name, email and phone number and automatically add this data to an email list and SMS phone book contact list

Send an instant email welcome message and set up an autoresponder follow up series of emails

Set the SMS welcome message to send either immediately or set to a delay

Add a concierge service as an additional paid option

Maximise Conversions using live chat

Following up on recently booked table reservations using the online booking system can double the show rate and this is a great way to provide the personal touch to your restaurant clients customers

Sending a more personalized message instantly builds massive engagement and more importantly commitment

You can see the effect this can have on a typical reservation and the best part is it takes less than 2 minutes and costs a few cents per customer to complete!

You can see below the power of adding personal follow up SMS messages to consolidate the customer booking and you can engage with unlimited customers directly inside the app

Here is the live reply to the customer booking confirmed by the bot above

Typically, a restaurant using a coupon type promotion can expect 15% - 20% customer take up from the number of coupons issued

Consolidate the reservation using live chat to increase redemptions by 30% - 40% or 50% using our live chat SMS

Perfect for special events and high value promotions

Send targeted campaigns to 1000s with exclusive offers

Keyword Campaigns

Use our targeted keyword campaigns to segment customers based on offers and actions

Send a bulk 2 way message asking for a reply to a keyword, in this example its WINE and all replies are moved to a new phone book and the customer is directed to make a table reservation using the online ordering app

Create social media banners using our done for you resources to increase conversions further

Create set and forget Autoresponder campaigns

Deliver the latest offers direct to your customers phone every day, week or month to suit your clients business on autopilot

Simply create a landing page and upload the latest offers and deals

Create the autoresponder message and add the link to the landing page

Set the message to deliver weekly, monthly or at a custom time to suit and the messages are delivered on autopilot

It really doesn’t get any easier to drive more customers each and every week with the minimum amount of work required

But it gets even better...

 100% Mobile Responsive so you never miss a lead!

We are all busy people and not always sat at the PC, but we do always have our phone

We have created a yet another totally unique feature that allows you to set up an instant notification that is sent to your phone when a new enquiry replies to any keyword you have set up

Add the phone number that you want to receive the update to the chat flow and each new enquiry triggers the alert and provides the number of the enquiry and the keyword

This is without doubt the most comprehensive SMS platform ON THE PLANET and provides a total solution!

Outstanding Delivery

 We connect to worldwide, industry leading platforms to provide outstanding service and fast delivery

Local quality

With Global Low Latency (GLL), your messages automatically take the shortest and highest quality path. Local carrier connections worldwide help us validate that your messages can be delivered, and you receive real-time delivery status

Local numbers (US) for better conversions and 2-way messages

According to recent research, as many as 64% of customers want to be able to engage with companies via two-way messaging and acquiring a long number (also known as a virtual mobile number) enables businesses to do just that.

It has also been proven that customers much prefer to call and text local numbers rather than national telephone or short code text message numbers

You can provide a local number to each of your US clients based on their exact location

Each customer can register their own brand ID which is what the recipient sees when a 1-way message is delivered (Not available in US, only number is used for 1- and 2-way messages)

Send 2-way messages from a unique local telephone number to domestic numbers (Mobile Numbers only UK)

Great for local restaurants to use for promotions to create long term value

Automatic built in opt Out process

Add an automatic opt out link in each message and recipient is automatically removed from all contact lists for 100% compliance

Campaign reports

See the stats on all campaigns sent, you can view each recipient and the success of the message

Delivery reports

View detailed delivery reports on all messages sent and received

Sending credits are automatically deducted for the account balance for messages sent and received

We provide a full 2 way service in, US, Canada, Australia and the UK

We include a unique local telephone number as part of this offer

Additional numbers can also be purchased for clients directly inside the app and the cost is from just $2 per month per number paid annually in advance

Credits are pay as you go and are purchased directly inside the app, we include 60 days of service, after this time, providing a minimum spend of $10 per month is being made for credits, the rental of your unique telephone number is included in the annual license fee

Buy credits at a discounted rate

If you are based in the US and Canada you can buy 1000 credits for just $15

UK credits cost 0.06 cents, Australia cost 0.10 cents

Can you imagine the results you can achieve for your clients..

Sending 1000 messages and getting over 900 opened and read within 3 minutes for just $15

There is no business around that cant benefit from this powerful marketing platform with automated lead generation and increased sales conversions

Forget about buying expensive services individually

Our totally unique solution provides everything you need to get outstanding results in 1 easy to use platform

Get Started today and save 50%

What happens next

Once you make your purchase we will create your members area access and send the login details to your email used to make the purchase

You will see a link to register the app, once you have access, please log back into the members area to follow the set up and user guides

We provide a comprehensive members area resource that includes a full user guide plus lots of additional resources to make sure you get the most out of the service

We do not include any set up service as standard, but you can order our set up service inside the members area and the cost is just $30 and includes

Refund Policy

We include a 30 day refund period to put the app and service to the test, if for any reason you are not delighted with the performance simply open a support ticket and request a refund and we will process this normally within 24 hours